
helping mothers navigate motherhood and better their sleep

What’s Dozy

Dozy is a sleep guidance app that allows new and expecting mothers to visualize sleep patterns and work towards bettering their lifestyles for themselves and their babies. The application is also paired with a social campaign and physical deliverables.

Inside the Sleep Kit

Each mother is sent a Dozy Sleep Kit that has different types of products to help better their sleep. The kit contains a cooling blanket, baby swaddle, Baby Monitor Camera, essential oils, and oil diffuser.
  • The Cooling Blanket helps keep mothers cool all night long warding off post-delivery heat flashes. 
  • The Baby Swaddle is included to keep babies nice and snug so they feel safe and warm when they sleep. 
  • A Baby Monitor Camera that pairs with the app so mothers can check in on their little ones. 
  • Three Essential Oils are included to help with stretch marks, improve sleep, and prevent morning sickness.
  • Lastly, a Diffuser is included to pump the wonderful and healing scents of the essential oils through the air.

Social Media Promotion

User Scenario

Jane, a new mother at age 26, has finally reached her breaking point with her newborn baby even though she loves her so much.

She is constantly tired, but she wants to be the best mother she can be, so she decides to look for help!

While on the web, she comes across a Facebook group for new moms and asks for any recommendations for sleep.

One of the moms responds and recommends Dozy to balance her baby and sleep!
Jane downloads the Dozy app and is now on her way to a more balanced sleep and motherhood!

Creating the Box

Building the App

User Flow

Low Fidelity Wireframes
High Fidelity Wireframes

Co-Designer: Megan Dale

© 2024 Sara Meola